Heart Made of Stone

She’s so desperate for love she’ll fall for anything, especially someone who just wants a silly fling. Shes a fallen angel and he’s been raised from hell, he could kill her spirit and she could never tell. Shes a southern sunset and he’s a bird caught in a storm, his heart runs cold while hers … More Heart Made of Stone

This Time

I let it numb me I can’t get enough, it helps me when the going gets rough. I drink and I am numb till this tomb I dig myself, till I am all alone on a forgotten shelf. It overwhelms me the feeling of tranquility, I have the right but not the ability. The more … More This Time

Short and Sweet 

Someone’s life could be in shambles and the world still turns round, people are happy and some are down.  That’s the way life works I suppose, life comes crashing down and that’s the way it goes.  Sometimes you have to pick up the pieces all alone, other times you have someone whose on your phone.  … More Short and Sweet 

Prince Charming

At a young age girls learn of Prince Charming. We watch cartoons, read books, Disney is a big factor in finding “the one”. I don’t believe everyone has someone. I think there are people meant to be alone.  Greek mythology says that we were born as two people that were split up searching to find … More Prince Charming